Wednesday, July 2

Adventures in Bento Making

As a child my Grandmother always prepare me lunch box for school. Whenever I wake up late and charge out of the house hurriedly, my Grandma would come after me and show up in school with my packed lunch and we would share the lunch together. My lunch would be composed of fish or chicken, rice, vegetables and mango slices. I would asked her to buy me a soda to down all the good foods she cook for me.

Those were the happier days that made my childhood a memorable one. For years to come, I have exchanged the lunch box with fast food. And when my Grandma died, the joy of bringing a lunch box to school was forgotten until I came across kaoko's blog : Kitchen Cow. Although Kaoko's is not the first blog on bento that I have browsed and read, her nationality and location gave me the idea to reinvent my lunchbox and unleash the creativity within.

I have to admit though that my accessories and staple is limited due to the lack of time to find bento tools and the lack of culinary skills. But internet make things possible. Bloggers that focuses in bento provided all the things you need to know about simple cooking and even tricks on food safety so I might as well say that I am doing well with the bento making.

And I might as well cite here that Kaoko is helping me out to get the things for my bento making. And this entry is one way of showing my gratitude for helping me and accommodating my request.

Thank you, Kaoko. First for the inspiration and now the help to buy the things for my bento. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What sweet memories of your grandmother. I didn't know mine very well because we spoke a different language. Wish I could have been closer to her.