Monday, May 26

Manic Monday #118

Do good things come to those who wait?
Good things come to those who do something to have them

Your best friend's spouse is being unfaithful. Would you tell your friend? If so, how?

I hope this will never happen. Telling someone that the better half is cheating is difficult. I would give her hints, perhaps. But if this happens to one of my best girlfriends, I will tell her the truth right away. Something that would require all the courage that I have. :D

Which part of your body do you like the least? Would you change it through plastic surgery, if possible?

My legs, i think. But i will never resort to plastic surgery. I have nothing against plastic surgery. I just don't want to do it.


Teena in Toronto said...

I'd be too scared to have plastic surgery.

I played too :)

Chantelle said...

great answers!

Anonymous said...

It would be scary. I had 2 cesarean and it scared me to death LOL. I'm scared of needles.

Mine is up as well. Hope you can visit me :)

Happy Memorial Day!