Sunday, September 28

Silence means Something Good is Happening

I have been silent for awhile now. Not by choice though. The usual volume of work from my day job was reduced but going out to other places to promote the company had taken whatever time made available after the new staff was hired. So instead of getting it a little bit easier on the day job,I ended up doing more. No,no complaints here. I just want my share of readers to know that I am still here...and please bear with my absence.

'nuff with the sad news, the good news is I finally have my own internet connection at home so it will be easier for me to jot down my thoughts and new information and share it with you. :)

On technology news, I think this is something that is not so new but I might share it as well.

Japan with their electronic technology advancement came up with another idea on providing comforts to human. As an addition to their technology on automatic opening and putting down of toilet seat cover, a MP3 player is installed in the toilet where the user can listen to his own SD card. Great right? Well, TOTO of Japan seems to be coming with lots of ideas that contribute to the quality of life.

(web shot source:unknown)

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