Tuesday, September 2

A Great Dating Game

The good thing about single hood is meeting new people. Dating is the more romantic side of meeting new friends which eventually may become more than friend. So, how do you approach a prospective partner? Pick up lines, as I've mentioned on my previous blog is important because first impression decides the start of a friendship. Although some people are open on meeting friends even if they started on bad footing, some relies on their first impression.

There are lots of pick up lines that you can use. My favorite is from a Hollywood movie, the Monster's Ball: "I want to take care of you", by Billy Bob Thornton. It is so sweet and everything is in the message.

Interested now about pick up lines? I recommend then that you try Extreme Style by VO5 game. This will hone your skills on meeting great individuals and while having fun, you will learn more about working pick up lines on Ultimate Flirting Championship game.

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Remember, when things are good you will definitely have a Victory Hair. So try it, and have fun.

Sponsored by Extreme Style by VO5

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